Source code for precept._configs

import abc
import collections
import configparser
import copy
import itertools
import json
import os
import textwrap
import typing
from enum import auto

import stringcase
import tomlkit
from ruamel import yaml
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap

from ._tools import AutoNameEnum
from .errors import ConfigError

undefined = object()

def get_deep(data, *keys, default=None):
    value = data
    found = False
    keys = iter(keys)

    while not found:
            key = next(keys)
            value = value.get(key, undefined)
            if value is undefined:  # pragma: no cover
                return default, False
        except StopIteration:
            return value, True

    return value, found  # pragma: no cover

def merge(initial, *to_merge):
    data = dict(initial)
    for update in to_merge:

    return data

def _to_yaml(root: CommentedMap, obj):
    if isinstance(obj, Nestable):
        data = CommentedMap()
        for i, prop in enumerate(
                getattr(type(obj), x) for x in getattr(obj, '_props', [])
                i,, _to_yaml(data, getattr(obj,,
        return root
    return obj

def _to_dict(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, Nestable):
        data = {}
        for k, v in obj.items():
            data[k] = _to_dict(v)
        return data
    return obj

class BaseConfigSerializer:

    def dump(self, configs, path):  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError

    def load(self, path):  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError

class YamlConfigSerializer(BaseConfigSerializer):
    def dump(self, configs, path):
        ya_data: CommentedMap = CommentedMap()
        root_comment = getattr(configs, '__doc__', None)
        if root_comment:

        ya_data = _to_yaml(ya_data, configs)

        yml = yaml.YAML()

        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            yml.dump(ya_data, f)

    def load(self, path):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            return yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.RoundTripLoader)

class JsonConfigSerializer(BaseConfigSerializer):
    def dump(self, configs, path):
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(_to_dict(configs), f)

    def load(self, path):  # pragma: no cover
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            return json.load(f)

class IniConfigSerializer(BaseConfigSerializer):
    def __init__(self, root_name):
        self.root_name = root_name

    def dump(self, configs, path):
        cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
        leftovers = []

        root_comment = getattr(configs, '__doc__', '')
        if root_comment:
            cfg.setdefault(self.root_name, {})
            for comment in root_comment.split(os.linesep):
                cfg.set(self.root_name, f'# {comment}', None)

        for p, value, prop in configs.get_prop_paths():
            if '.' in p:
                top = '.'.join(p.split('.')[:-1])
                top = self.root_name

            cfg.setdefault(top, {})

            if isinstance(value, Nestable):
                # Put it before the first value
                if prop.comment:
                    leftovers = prop.comment.split(os.linesep)

            if prop.comment:
                for c in itertools.chain(*[
                        leftovers, prop.comment.split(os.linesep)
                    cfg.set(top, f'# {c}', None)
                leftovers = []

            if isinstance(value, list):
                cfg[top][] = yaml.round_trip_dump(value)
                cfg[top][] = str(value)

        with open(path, 'w') as f:

    def load(self, path):
        cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
        with open(path) as f:

        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        raw = dict(cfg._sections)
        data = raw.pop(self.root_name)
        for k, v in raw.items():
            # The rest are Nestables.
            sections = k.split('.')
            key = sections[-1]
            last_section = data
            for section in sections[:-1]:
                last_section = last_section.setdefault(section, {})

            last_section[key] = v

        return data

class TomlConfigSerializer(BaseConfigSerializer):

    def dump(self, configs, path):
        doc = tomlkit.document()
        root_comment = getattr(configs, '__doc__', '')

        def add_comment(sec, comment):
            for line in textwrap.wrap(comment.strip()):

        def add_value(sec, k, v):
            is_none = v is None
            if is_none:
                sec.add(tomlkit.comment(f'{k} = # Uncomment to use'))
                sec.add(k, v)
            return not is_none

        if root_comment:
            add_comment(doc, root_comment.strip())

        for p, value, prop in configs.get_prop_paths():
            section = doc
            key = p
            if '.' in p:
                parts = p.split('.')
                key = parts[-1]

                for part in parts[:-1]:
                    section = section[part]

            if isinstance(value, Nestable):
                # Just add a table for those.
                table = tomlkit.table()
                section.add(key, table)
                if prop.comment is not None:
                    add_comment(table, prop.comment)
                if prop.comment is not None:
                    if len(prop.comment) > 40:
                        # Only short comments are inlined.
                        add_comment(section, prop.comment)
                        add_value(section, key, value)
                        good = add_value(section, key, value)
                        if good:
                            if isinstance(value, bool):
                                item = section.item(key)
                                item = section[key]
                    add_value(section, key, value)

        with open(path, 'w') as file:

    def load(self, path):
        with open(path) as file:
            return dict(tomlkit.parse(

[docs]class ConfigFormat(AutoNameEnum): """ Available formats to use with configs. - TOML provided by tomlkit, supports comments and more complex types. - YML provided by ruamel.yaml, supports comments and more complex types. - JSON stdlib, no support for comments and types. - INI stdlib, support for comments. """ TOML = auto() YML = auto() JSON = auto() INI = auto()
[docs] def serializer(self, config): if self == ConfigFormat.TOML: return TomlConfigSerializer() if self == ConfigFormat.YML: return YamlConfigSerializer() if self == ConfigFormat.JSON: return JsonConfigSerializer() if self == ConfigFormat.INI: return IniConfigSerializer(config.root_name) raise ConfigError('Invalid config format') # pragma: no cover
[docs]class ConfigProperty:
[docs] def __init__( self, default=None, comment=None, config_type=None, environ_name=None, auto_environ=False, name=None, auto_global=False, global_name=None, ): self.default = default self.comment = comment = name self.qualified_name = None self.config_type = config_type or (type(default) if default else None) self.environ_name = environ_name self.auto_environ = auto_environ self.auto_global = auto_global self.global_name = global_name
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name if not issubclass(owner, Config): self.qualified_name = f'{owner.__name__.lower()}.{name}' else: self.qualified_name = name if self.environ_name is None and self.auto_environ: self.environ_name = name.upper() if self.global_name is None and self.auto_global: self.global_name = self.qualified_name def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self value = undefined app = getattr(instance, '_app', None) if self.auto_global and app is not None: value = app.cli.globals.get(self.qualified_name, undefined) # Only take the value if it's not the default. if value is not undefined and value == self.default: value = undefined if self.environ_name and value is undefined: # pylint: disable=invalid-envvar-default value = os.getenv(self.environ_name, undefined) if value is undefined: if issubclass(owner, Config): value = instance.get(, self.default) else: root, levels = instance.get_root( value, found = get_deep(root, *levels) if not found: # pragma: no cover value = self.default if value is not None and self.config_type is not None: try: if isinstance(value, str) and self.config_type == list: value = yaml.round_trip_load(value) else: # pylint: disable=not-callable value = self.config_type(value) except TypeError as err: raise ConfigError( f'Expected type {repr(self.config_type)} for {value}' ) from err return value def __set__(self, instance, value): if isinstance(instance, Config): # noinspection PyProtectedMember instance._data[] = value else: root, levels = instance.get_root( current = root # Don't take the last level as it's the name of the value # we want to set. for level in list(levels)[:-1]: current = current[level] current[] = value def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return f'<ConfigProperty {}>'
class ConfigMeta(abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes): _new = attributes.copy() _props = list(itertools.chain(*( getattr(b, '_props', []) for b in bases ))) _children = list(itertools.chain(*( getattr(b, '_children', []) for b in bases ))) for k, v in attributes.items(): if isinstance(v, ConfigProperty): _props.append(k) elif isinstance(v, type) and hasattr(v, '_props'): # No way to check if actually a Nestable (chicken or egg?) # Adding a Nested class as subclass would mean to have # to loop over the attributes of the class and do it # recursively. So it needs to be a Nestable otherwise # the descriptor will trow because no get_root. _key = stringcase.snakecase(k) setattr(v, '_key', _key) _new[_key] = _NestableDescriptor( f'_{_key}', getattr(v, '_props'), v, comment=v.__doc__ ) _children.append(v) _props.append(_key) _new['_children'] = _children _new['_props'] = _props # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args return abc.ABCMeta.__new__(mcs, name, bases, _new)
[docs]class Nestable(, metaclass=ConfigMeta): _parent: typing.Any _key: str _children = [] _props = []
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None, parent_len=0): self._parent = parent self._parent_len = parent_len for child_cls in self._children: # noinspection PyProtectedMember var_name = child_cls._key setattr( self, var_name, child_cls(self, parent_len + 1) )
[docs] def get_root(self, current=None): parent = self._parent if parent is None: return self levels = [current, self._key] if current else [self._key] last_parent = parent while parent is not None: key = getattr(parent, '_key', None) if key is not None: levels.append(key) last_parent = parent parent = getattr(parent, '_parent', None) return last_parent, reversed(levels)
def __getitem__(self, k): # Just go into descriptor. return getattr(self, k) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # pragma: no cover setattr(self, key, value) def __len__(self): # pragma: no cover return len(self._props) def __iter__(self): for prop in self._props: yield prop
[docs] def get_prop_paths(self, parent=''): children = [getattr(x, '_key') for x in self._children] if not parent and hasattr(self, '_key'): # pragma: no cover parent = self._key for prop in (getattr(type(self), x) for x in self._props): value = getattr(self, path = f'{parent + "." if parent else ""}{}' yield path, value, prop if in children: for k, v, p in value.get_prop_paths(path): yield k, v, p
class _NestableDescriptor(ConfigProperty): def __init__(self, nestable, props, nested_cls, comment=None): default = { prop.default for prop in (getattr(nested_cls, p) for p in props) } super().__init__(default, comment, config_type=dict) self.nestable = nestable self.nested_cls = nested_cls = nestable[1:] def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self return instance.__dict__.get(self.nestable, self.default) def __set__(self, instance, value): instance.__dict__[self.nestable] = value
[docs]class Config(Nestable): """ Root config class, assign ConfigProperties as class members. """ _serializer: BaseConfigSerializer _config_format: ConfigFormat
[docs] def __init__( self, config_format: ConfigFormat = ConfigFormat.TOML, root_name='config' ): super().__init__(None) self._data = {} self.root_name = root_name self.config_format = config_format self._app = None
def __getitem__(self, k): # Here get the prop descriptor and return the value or default prop = getattr(type(self), k) if isinstance(prop, _NestableDescriptor): data = self._data.get(k, undefined) if data is undefined: data = copy.deepcopy(prop.default) self._data[k] = data return data return self._data.get(k, prop.default)
[docs] def read_dict(self, data: dict): self._data = merge(self._data, data)
[docs] def read_file(self, path: str): data = self._serializer.load(path) updated = {} def handle_prop(key, value, default, to_update, original): userdata = original.get(key, undefined) if userdata is not undefined and userdata != default: to_update[key] = userdata else: to_update[key] = value def handle_dict(root, parent, updatable, orig): for key, value in root.items(): if not parent: prop = getattr(type(self), key, undefined) if prop is undefined: continue else: prop = getattr(parent.nested_cls, key) if isinstance(value, dict): updatable[key] = {} handle_dict( value, prop, updatable[key], orig.get(key, {}) ) else: if parent: default = parent.default.get(key) else: default = prop.default handle_prop(key, value, default, updatable, orig) handle_dict(data, None, updated, self._data) self._data = merge(self._data, updated)
[docs] def save(self, path: str): self._serializer.dump(self, path)
@property def config_format(self) -> ConfigFormat: return self._config_format @config_format.setter def config_format(self, value: ConfigFormat): self._config_format = value self._serializer = self._config_format.serializer(self)
[docs]def config_factory(data, root=None, key=None): props = [] children = [] class _Current: pass for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): nestable = config_factory(v, _Current, k) setattr( _Current, k, _NestableDescriptor(f'_{k}', list(v.keys()), nestable) ) children.append(nestable) else: setattr(_Current, k, ConfigProperty(name=k, default=v)) props.append(k) setattr(_Current, '_props', props) setattr(_Current, '_children', children) if root is None: class _Wrapped(_Current, Config): pass else: setattr(_Current, '_key', key) class _Wrapped(_Current, Nestable): pass return _Wrapped